Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategy

A well-developed diversity and inclusion strategy linked to business objectives assists employers in achieving stakeholder engagement, prioritising and coordinating initiatives, promoting synergies, maximising return on investment, and tracking success.


DEI Evaluation

The first step in the formulation of a diversity and inclusion strategy is a comprehensive DEI evaluation. A DEI evaluation assesses the entity’s maturity against D&I best practices, benchmarks the employer against industry and competitor DEI practices and performance, and identifies key DEI risks and opportunities.

Senior Stakeholder Interviews

We conduct senior stakeholder interviews across the entity to better understand the business drivers for diversity and inclusion. The formulation of a D&I strategy linked to a robust and compelling business case is critical for leader buy-in and program success.

Desktop Review

We review annual reports and other governance documents as well as internal documents related to business strategy, workforce planning, and organisational culture to strengthen our understanding of the employer’s unique business drivers, risks and opportunities for diversity, equity and inclusion.


We propose strategic recommendations regarding priority focus areas that will achieve the highest return on the employer’s DEI investment in the context of its business strategy and objectives.

Stakeholder Engagement

We work with you to engage key stakeholders throughout the strategy formulation process.

Strategy Drafting

In consultation with stakeholders, we translate the outcomes of the DEI evaluation and senior stakeholders interviews to an overarching diversity and inclusion strategy for the entity that defines the organisation’s vision for diversity and inclusion, articulates business drivers, and sets key priorities with specific action points. .

DEI Evaluation?

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